
Last Updated: 22nd July, 2024

Different Rate Types Interest Rate Comparison Rate Contact Us
Current RBA Cash Rate 0.10% N/A Apply Now
Average Standard Variable Rate* 5.38% N/A Apply Now
Best Variable Rate for Non-Residents** 2.69% 3.10% Apply Now
Best 3 Year Fixed Interest Rate for Non-Residents** 2.79% 3.21% Apply Now
Best 5 Year Fixed Interest Rate for Non-Residents** 3.99% 4.70% Apply Now

* This is the average of the standard variable interest rate of mortgages from Australia’s four major banks.
** This interest rate includes a professional discount and is indicative only. The final rate will depend on the amount you are borrowing and the LVR. Borrowers must meet professional package qualifying criteria and lending policy. You may qualify for a lower interest rate if you have a large loan amount.

Where can I find the best interest rates?

Are you looking for the best possible interest rate for your circumstances? Our mortgage brokers are specialists in a wide variety of Australian home loan types.

Call us internationally on +61 2 9194 1700 or enquire online and one of our brokers can help find the lowest interest rates for you.

How much can I borrow?

The amount that you can borrow will depend on your citizenship, visa and residency status. For more information please refer to the appropriate section of our website:

  • Australian Expats: If you are an Australian citizen living outside of Australia.
  • Temporary Residents: If you are a citizen of a foreign country and are residing in Australia on a temporary visa such as a 457 visa or partner visa.
  • Foreign Investors: If you are not an Australian citizen and are not residing in Australia.
  • NZ Citizens: If you are a New Zealand citizen then special lending guidelines will apply. If you’re a New Zealand citizen living in NZ, you can borrow up to 90% of the property value!

Your residency status is not the only factor that determines how much you can borrow. Your income and expenditure will also impact your borrowing power.

To get an indication of how much you can afford to borrow check out our ‘How much can I borrow?’ calculator.

Can I get an interest rate discount?

Australian banks often offer special interest rate discounts to their best customers. These deals are known as professional packages.

With professional packages, generally the larger the loan the bigger the discount. These mortgages are usually available for people on higher incomes, with good asset positions or those considered low-risk borrowers.

Normally with a standard professional package you can get a discount of up to 0.7% below the Standard Variable Interest Rate without any negotiation. The interest rates listed above are the cheapest interest rates for non-residents that we can currently negotiate with our panel of lenders.

Depending on the size of the loan and the nature of your situation, bigger or smaller discounts may apply.

What is the RBA cash rate?

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia’s central bank.

By influencing the money supply they indirectly set the variable interest rate for Australia’s banks. In recent years the Australian banks have seen their cost of funds move independently of the RBA‘s Cash Rate which has caused them to make changes to their home loan interest rates.

Apply for a mortgage

Did you know that many lenders have restricted lending policies for non-residents? Our mortgage brokers are specialists in non-resident lending and know which Australian home loan types will suit your needs.

Call us internationally on +61 2 9194 1700 or enquire online and one of our mortgage brokers can help you find the cheapest interest rates for you.