
Last Updated: 8th November, 2021


The applications for HomeBuilder closed on 14 April 2021. The government has extended the commencement requirement for construction from 6 months to 18 months. There are other government grants and schemes for first home buyers.

The HomeBuilder grant will help eligible home owners (including first home buyers) to either renovate their existing property or build a new home.  The grant was announced on 4 June 2020, and some states have announced their application process for the grant. 

HomeBuilder Extension

The Treasurer announced that the HomeBuilder grant will be extended to 31 March 2021.

The grant was originally available until 31 December 2020.

The extended HomeBuilder applications will be accepted under the new criteria:

  • The HomeBuilder grant is $15,000 for new builds and substantial renovations signed between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021.
  • The property price threshold for new build contracts for New South Wales is $950,000 and for Victoria, it is $850,000. The existing price cap of $750,000 will continue for the remaining States and Territories.
  • Applications must be submitted to the respective State Revenue Office by 14 April 2021.
  • For contracts signed on or after 29 November 2020, the builder/developer must have a valid licence or registration before 29 November 2020. For contracts signed before 29 November 2020, they must have a valid licence before 4 June 2020.

What is the process to apply for the HomeBuilder grant in each state?

Here’s how you can apply for the HomeBuilder grant according to the different states and territories in Australia. 

HomeBuilder application process NSW

Revenue NSW administers the HomeBuilder grant.  NSW is currently working on an online portal for grant submissions.  They have provided an application form and lodgement guide to help before the online portal is live.  To stay updated on how to apply for HomeBuilder in NSW, please visit this website

HomeBuilder application process Victoria

State Revenue Office Victoria administers the HomeBuilder grant.  You can submit the HomeBuilder applications in Victoria through their online portal. They are working on an online application portal to submit HomeBuilder applications.  To apply for HomeBuilder in Victoria, follow this two-step process:  
  • Apply after you’ve entered into an eligible HomeBuilder contract. 
  • Once construction begins, the supporting documents must be uploaded via their online portal.
You will know if your application is approved or declined within 15 working days of submission.  The application must be submitted no later than 31 December 2020.  Due to Stage 4 restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and Stage 3 restrictions in regional Victoria, the construction commencement has been extended by 3 months.  Applicants for HomeBuilder grant in Victoria will now have 6 months to commence construction when the HomeBuilder contract is signed.  To stay updated about how to apply for HomeBuilder in Victoria, please visit this website. 

HomeBuilder application process Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

ACT Revenue Office (ACTRO) administers the HomeBuilder grant.   There are two parts to apply for Homebuilder in ACT: 
  • Part A: You must fill in a registration form with property details, contact details, etc. This form must be submitted before 31 December 2020 for your application to be considered. However, submitting the form does not guarantee eligibility. 
  • Part B: This is the detailed application form which will ask for information regarding the builder, type of construction and other supporting documents.
To keep updated about how to apply for HomeBuilder grant in the ACT, please visit this website

HomeBuilder application process Western Australia (WA)

RevenueWA administers the HomeBuilder grant.  To apply for HomeBuilder in Western Australia, you can either fill in the web application form OR complete this form and send it over to the following address:  RevenueWA GPO Box T1600 Perth WA 6845 You must complete and submit the form no later than 31 December 2020.  To keep updated about how to apply for HomeBuilder in WA, please visit this website

HomeBuilder application process Tasmania

Tasmania’s Commissioner of State Revenue administers the HomeBuilder grant.  To apply for HomeBuilder in Tasmania: 
  • You will have to complete and submit an application for Tasmanian HomeBuilder Grants (which is now closed; more information here)
  • You will know whether your application is successful within 10 business days from the date of application. 
To stay updated about how to apply for HomeBuilder in Tasmania, please visit this website

HomeBuilder application process Queensland

State Revenue Office Queensland administers the HomeBuilder grant.  You can use this form to apply for HomeBuilder in Queensland.  Your application must be received by 31 December 2020, and the supporting documents must be received by 31 October 2022.  To stay updated on how to apply for HomeBuilder in Queensland, please visit this website. 

HomeBuilder application process South Australia

RevenueSA administers the HomeBuilder grant.  To apply for HomeBuilder in South Australia, you will need to fill in this application form You can then send the application form and other supporting documents to or send it to:  Revenue SA GPO Box 1352 Adelaide, SA 5001  Applications must be submitted no later than 31 December 2020. To stay updated on how to apply for HomeBuilder in South Australia, please visit this website. 

HomeBuilder application process Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Revenue Office administers the HomeBuilder grant.  To apply for HomeBuilder in Northern Territory, you will need to fill in an application form (the application for which is now closed). After you’ve completed the form, attach the required documents and you can either email or send it to:  Territory Revenue Office GPO Box 154 Darwin NT 0801 Applications must be submitted no later than 31 December 2020.  They are working on an option to apply via an online portal.   To stay updated on how to apply for HomeBuilder in Northern Territory, please visit this website

What documents are required when applying for HomeBuilder?

Property type  Eligibility criteria for HomeBuilder  Documents required 
All  Australian citizen (18 years and above)  A copy of the birth certificate or Australian citizenship or current Australian passport.  A copy of the certificate of name change is required if the name on any of the documents is different from the name of the applicant.  A copy of photo identification (driver licence, current passport, proof of age card) 
All  Licensed builder A copy of the builder’s valid licence/registration (The builder must be licensed/registered on or before 4 June 2020.)  
All  Income caps (below $125,000 for individual OR below $200,000 for a couple)  A copy of the Notice of Assessment issued by the Australian Tax Office for either 2018-2019 or 2019-2020.  If applying as a couple, both applicants must provide the notice for the same periods.  Please redact your Tax File Number (TFN). 
All Property is a principal place of residence  Evidence to show the property is a principal place of residence and not an investment property. (e.g. loan documents show it’s not an investment loan)
New build  Property value (house and land) does not exceed $750,000  A copy of the certificate of title for the property. A copy of a comprehensive building contract signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020.  A copy of the contract of sale for land if less than 12 months from date of application. If it is more than 12 months, then a copy of valuation should be provided.  A copy of invoices and receipts showing that first progress payment has been made to the builder.  Invoices from builder or contractor to show evidence of laying of foundation.  Evidence that construction has started (e.g. first inspection certificate) 
Renovation  Property value before renovation (house and land) does not exceed $1.5 million.  The building contract is valued between $150,000 to $750,000.  A copy of the certificate of title for the property. A copy of the building contract for substantial renovations signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020.  A valuation to show the value of the property (house and land) three months before the renovation starts.  A copy of invoices and receipts to show that at least $150,000 has been paid to the builder at the time of application. 
New home/ off the plan  Property value does not exceed $750,000 A copy of the certificate of title for the property. A copy of contract of sale for land if it’s a house and land package A schedule of a sales contract for the purchase of a new home or off the plan signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020.   Evidence that construction has started (e.g. first inspection certificate for new home and vendor statement for off the plan) 

When will the HomeBuilder grant be paid?

Why are you applying for HomeBuilder?  When will the grant be paid? 
To build a new home  Once construction has started.  You’ve submitted evidence to show first progress payment is made. 
To renovate an existing home   Once the renovation has started.  You’ve submitted evidence to show payments of at least $150,000 of the contract price has been made to the builder. 
To buy a new home/off-the-plan property  Once you’ve submitted evidence that the property is registered in your name on the title. 

How to show evidence that construction has started

Here are some examples of what is acceptable to show that you have commenced construction: 
  • Building work commencement notice 
  • An inspection report
  • A building contract with evidence of payment of a deposit and the first instalment 
  • Photos with time and date of the construction undertaken. These can be photos of excavation of basement or footings, demolition of structural elements of the property and physical building work (e.g. pouring a slab). 
  • This can also include a declaration from your builder that construction has started. 
These will not be accepted as evidence that construction has started: 
  • Site clearing 
  • Delivery of building products
  • Fencing 
  • Markings 

We’re here to help

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an existing home, our mortgage brokers are here to help. Please call us on 1300 889 743 or fill in our free assessment form.