
Last Updated: 23rd April, 2024

How To Start House Hunting

It often takes much longer than anticipated to find a house you want to buy, even when you already have the deposit saved up. Research conducted by Domain suggests that the search for a home takes a minimum of six to nine months, on average, with many buyers taking years to find the right one. In a rising market like Australia’s, delays can be extremely costly. Can you truly afford to spend so long looking for a house to buy?

What To Look For When House Hunting

It doesn’t have to take that long to find your dream home but people usually start out on the wrong foot when it comes to house hunting. They begin without being clear about what they want. Think of it like grocery shopping. Instead of deciding what you want to buy after going to the mart, make a list of things you want and then go look for them. To decide what you want, it’s a good idea to think first about what you’re trying to achieve with your purchase. You can make a list of attributes that are:
  • Essential: you can’t do without these
  • Desirable: you would like to have these
  • To be avoided: you do not want these
Because there are so many housing options available, you should start by narrowing down your list using these parameters: