
Last Updated: 9th December, 2021

Why do I need a mortgage broker in Canberra?

The Bush Capital of Australia, Canberra, houses some of the most chased-after properties.

With attention-grabbing properties, however, comes competition among buyers.

To purchase a property in Canberra with a home loan, you need to undergo a rigorous home loan process.

You apply with a bank, and you need to pass their rigid standards.

Not to forget, for a person with no knowledge of the mortgage market, finding the perfect lender might take several months (and rejections)!

So, there is a high chance of someone else sweeping away your dream property if you don’t move fast.

Also, worst-case scenario, you signed the contract of sale before applying for the home loan. Now your home loan got declined by the lender, the cooling-off period expired, and you lost several thousand in deposit for a house you will not get to call yours!

Had you had a proper mortgage broker by your side through the process, you would have faced a different outcome. You would have swiftly bagged the home loan and, in turn, the property.

Are all mortgage brokers the same?

No, all mortgage brokers are not the same.

However, the key differentiating factors across mortgage brokers have helped us group them into three subclasses: the good, the bad, and the niche-specific mortgage brokers.

Good mortgage broker

A good mortgage broker always stands out amongst others.

Below is a list of specifics that act as a tell for a good mortgage broker in Canberra: